2020 Archives
Akron NAACP Online Archives

October 21, 2020 - Plan your vote!
The Akron NAACP under the leadership of political action chair Lillie R. Jackson, and President of the Greater Akron Canton ABSW, just completed PHASE ONE of the 2020 Get Out to Vote Campaign.
A Juneteenth virtual kick-off event spearheaded by your Akron NAACP brought together 20 organizations committed to registering voters.
Over 15 voter registration events and many volunteers registered in a short period of time over 600 individuals across Summit County.
There are tools out there to help you know the candidates and the issues.
Summit County Board of Elections website, is an informative resource to track your absentee ballot and your mailed-in vote. vote411.org, is an online tool where each voter can print a sample ballot.
The League of Women Voters 2020 Voter Guide has photos and a brief description of all the candidates. Click Here for the Voter Guide Print a sample ballot to expedite the voting process.
You have 3 Voting Options
Early vote at the board of elections. Wear your mask and Take state-issued ID, like a driver’s license or a bill with your name and address along with your, sample ballot. Expect long lines, allow two hours, and be prepared for inclement weather.
Completed Absentee Ballot votes may be mailed or dropped off at the board of elections. If you did not receive your requested ballot you can go to the board of elections and vote BEFORE the November General Election Day.
Vote at your local polling location on Election Day. Wear your mask and take your sample ballot.
Lillie R. Jackson NAACP GOTV Chair says, “In these unprecedented times of our democracy we must plan our vote to ensure we are being counted. As an Elderly activist, I believe ‘we shall not be moved’.
People who are elderly, physically challenged or people on medications should eat a meal, take you prescribed medications, social distance, be calm, and bring a small chair, dress accordingly for the weather, and VOTE by any means necessary.”
Lillie would also like to extend personal thanks to the wonderful AkronVotes 2020 planning team comprised of members from the Divine 9: Black Sororities and Fraternities, United Church of Christ, Unitarian Universalist Church of Akron, 100 Black Men, Planned Parenthood Votes Ohio, and The League of Women Voters.
Your local NAACP will again coordinate rides to the polls and transport individuals needing to drop off absentee ballots.

October 6, 2020 - 2020 General Election Important Information
Absentee Ballot Voting
October 6-November 3
The mailed completed ballot must be postmarked before November 2 or
Return the completed ballot to the Board of Elections located at 470 Grant Street Akron, OH before November 3
June 25, 2020 - Turning Point: The Conversation with WKYC Channel 3 News
“Our nation is at a turning point where many are beginning to take a hard look at racism in America.
The death of George Floyd, a black man killed at the hand of a Minnesota Police officer on May 25, reignited a flame in the fight against not just police brutality, but all forms of racial injustice.
Since that day in May, countless protests and demonstrations have taken place, but many are now asking, “What’s next, how do we move forward?” With the help of various community partners, 3News is hoping to answer those questions.
During the conversation, we’re hoping to answer two questions: Why do the problems exist and are there best practices we can come adopt in our communities?”
June 8, 2020 - Akron Votes 2020 Online
As a Community Leader, Activist, and Voter Advocate we are inviting you to join us for A Juneteenth Akron Votes Virtual Party!
Friday, June 19 at 7 pm. Via ZOOM!
We are coming together to make sure every vote is counted! Community leaders are gathering to brainstorm on engaging voters, addressing voter suppression issues, and staying on top of changes in the election process.
Don’t miss this exciting virtual party with prominent speakers, voter advocates, and talented musicians.
June 4, 2020 - Akron Votes 2020 Online
My name is Kaylyn Hayden.
I’m an Honors Student at Copley High School and I’m an active member of the NAACP Youth Council. I wanted to take the time today to speak about my frustrations with current events. More specifically the ongoing deaths of unarmed black people at the hands of police officers. I’m angry that African Americans still have to fight for the right to live. We’ve been fighting for almost 400 years. But still, we are not equal in the eyes of society. We want the same liberties. Not to be above anyone, just equal.
No matter how far African Americans excel, we are still seen as criminals. We are doctors, lawyers, teachers, engineers and journalists. We are athletes, actors, singers and comedians. We are mayors, senators and even Presidents. But still, society sees us as guilty. I’m tired of Black Americans being portrayed as violent thugs. When police are called, we are automatically assumed to have done something wrong. Even when injustices are recorded, somehow it is still our fault.
Recent events may not have taken place in our city. Nor do we want them to. But we are all a part of a hurting community. Watching innocent black people being wrongfully detained, arrested, brutally beaten, and killed by officers who are trained to “protect and serve” is disheartening. In fact, it is suffocating. So much so that I can’t breathe. You can’t breathe. America can’t breathe. We are all choking, on years of oppressive legislation that is being disguised as social order.
People my age are being killed for playing in parks and buying a bag of skittles. People who look like me are losing their lives for jogging or just simply being in their own homes. I’m exhausted that the color of my skin is seen as a threat. Policies must change.
In order for this type of change to occur, we must fight together. African Amercians cannot accomplish this alone. We need our allies!! We need our non-black family members, friends, neighbors, and colleagues to join us.
Kneel with us to bring awareness to police brutality. Stand with us to enforce basic human rights. Walk with us to protest against discrimination. And most importantly, Run with us to the polls this November and Vote. By voting we can end the cycle of systemic racism together.

June 2, 2020 - SoundCloud Supporting the Black Community and the NAACP
Soundcloud is supporting the Black community through Black Out Tuesday. The following is from their website.
“Since we launched in 2007, SoundCloud has been a platform where anyone’s voice can reach the world. But when you can’t breathe, your voice can’t be heard.
Today we are joining Black Out Tuesday, a moment of solidarity that unites the music industry against racism, injustice, and inequality experienced by the Black community. As its creators say, “It is a day to take a beat for an honest, reflective, and productive conversation about what actions we need to collectively take to support the Black community.” We’re pausing as a company and dedicating all our promotional space to encouraging that conversation. And we’re pausing as individuals, to take care of each other, and to plan for action.
If you want to take action now, we encourage you to donate to the NAACP. For over a hundred years, they’ve worked to secure the political, educational, social, and economic equality of rights in order to eliminate race-based discrimination and ensure the health and well-being of all persons.
We believe in the power of our platform to support and elevate our Black community – employees, creators, listeners, and partners. We are in this, not for today, but for history.“

May 11, 2020 - Celebrating Unsung Heroes at Akron Area Hospitals
In an effort to support healthcare employees on the frontline of fighting COVID-19, The Akron NAACP and a coalition of African American Greek organizations will deliver 40-gallon crates of refreshments for environmental service workers at Akron Children’s Hospital, Cleveland Clinic Akron General, Summa Health System, and Western Reserve Hospital.
This is an opportunity to say ‘Thank You’ to the men and women behind the scenes who work tirelessly for the health and well-being of all who work in and visit the hospital. The men and women who keep hospitals clean, sanitized and ready for business each day deserve applause as well.
This pandemic is demonstrating the essential tireless and often underrated role of the environmental services team. Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Omega Psi Fraternity, Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Delta Sigma Theta Sorority along with members of Akron NAACP salute all the essential hospital workers especially the environmental team members– They too are ‘Life Savers.’

May 11, 2020 - Covid-19 testing available at Rite Aid Pharmacy!
Covid-19 testing available at no cost for anyone 18+ years of age. Rite Aid has partnered with Verily and will use its Baseline COVID-19 Program to provide screening, scheduling, and return of results to participants at Rite Aid testing sites.
Rite Aid
Store No. 02456
4053 South Main Street
Akron, OH
March 31, 2020 - BE COUNTED! Census 2020 – NAACP Akron Campaign
April 1, is Census Day. Learn from community members about the impact of being COUNTED.
NAACP’s COUNTED, is a Census campaign in conjunction with the Akron chapter of the NAACP (OH). Please watch the video below to learn more.

March 23, 2020 - Coronavirus and Our Communities
The coronavirus outbreak is officially a pandemic, according to the World Health Organization. Because of the racial and economic inequities embedded in our country’s systems, the effects of the coronavirus could be compounded for Black, Brown, Asian, and indigenous communities, as well as other population groups.The NAACP has released a resource to guide officials responsible for addressing health, economic, and other impacts, in remediating some of the issues that are disproportionately affecting communities of color.
Our policy experts have outlined key considerations and recommendations in containing the spread of the coronavirus. The full guide is available to download here.
10 Impacts of the Coronavirus COVID-19 Outbreak on Communities of Color
Racism and stigmatization have increased, particularly towards the Asian and Asian American populations.
Certain populations including immigrants, incarcerated people, people over 60 years old, people with disabilities, people with special health needs, and others are at an added risk of exposure and other implications.
Frontline workers face tough choices between abstaining from work or risking exposure.
Census and voting may be jeopardized as public outings continue to dwindle.
Coronavirus remediation will result in increased exposure to toxic cleaning chemicals.
Children and college students risk exposure in schools. If schools close, students may experience food or housing insecurities.
There is a lack of accessibility to testing kits.
Quarantine policies and practices are unfolding with a risk to human and civil rights.
The coronavirus has already been used to justify increased militarization and more restrictive immigration policies and practices.
Denial and misinformation on the crisis can worsen the outbreak.
10 Policy Recommendations to Temper the Impact of the Coronavirus on Communities of Color
Shift the narrative surrounding the crisis: “The virus is the enemy, not the person who is infected.”
Adopt policies that increase access to childcare, healthcare and humane, sanitary living conditions to at-risk, vulnerable populations.
Advocate for the establishment of a paid leave system, strengthened OSHA standards, provision of training and safety gear, and routine testing for all workers.
Ensure the data collection for the Census through online and telephone enumeration, extend voting hours, and minimize large gatherings.
Significantly increase the stringency of the Toxic Substances Control Act.
Advocate for equal standards of sanitation, safety, and health as well as education continuity, food assistance for families and the establishment of housing assistance through Stafford Act provisions.
Advocate for funding for an effective health infrastructure, prioritization of testing for vulnerable groups/populations, and equitable distribution of limited hospital supplies.
Establish and enforce a Quarantine Bill of Rights.
Establish sanctuary sites, repeal the travel ban and repeal of the restrictions on the provision of healthcare to immigrants.
Advance litigation for the willful misleading of the public for political gain while jeopardizing the wellbeing of the nation.
March 16, 2020 - NAACP Akron Branch Providing Rides to the Polls
As a safety measure, The Ohio Secretary of State has ordered changes for The Primary Election Day to avoid having polling places at senior residential facilities, in order to limit the exposure of elderly people to COVID-19.
The Akron NAACP recognizes the impact of the current health crisis on voting opportunities for our seniors. Starting today, the Akron Branch will provide rides to the polls. Priority will be given to citizens in one of the locations listed below.
If a senior citizen has difficulty entering the voting location, curbside voting will be available.
February 14, 2020 - 2020 ACT-SO
The Akron Branch of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) is excited to invite all Summit County high school students to participate in the 2020 Akron Branch NAACP Academic Cultural Technological Scientific Olympics (ACT-SO). The illustrious program provides a stimulating forum for youth to engage in intellectual and artistic showmanship. ACT-SO attracts elite contestants from more than 200 cities across the nation, with Nationals hosting more than 700 contestants.