ACT-SO is the acronym for Afro-Academic, Culture, Technological, and Scientific Olympics.
Goals of ACT-SO
To mobilize the adult community for the promotion of academic and artistic excellence
To recognize creative talent and academic achievement
To provide and assist students with the necessary skills to establish goals and acquire the confidence and training to make a successful contribution to society
ACT-SO 2023
​Program Information
Akron ACT-SO Competition is open to all high school students attending school in Summit County, Ohio; email the ACT-SO Team for special considerations
ACT-SO offers 5 Categories (STEM, Humanities, Performing Arts, Visual Arts, Business) with a total of 32 different competition areas within the Categories. Students may select up to 3 competitions total
Gold medal winners of the Akron Competition automatically advance to the National Competition
The Akron NAACP is poised to assist with travel and accommodations for National competitors
Enrolled in and attending a high school in Summit County, Ohio
Be a citizen of the United States or hold a permanent resident visa card
Be an amateur (having not received wages for professional services) in the categories of competition
Contestant and parent/guardian attend the ACT-SO Orientation
Contestant attend ACT-SO workshops at 11am on 1st and 3rd Saturdays of month
Contestant follow all ACT-SO guidelines and deadlines
Calling all Summit County High School Students
​Summit County high school students begin their ACT-SO journey in the
Akron ACT-SO program, hosted by the Akron NAACP. Registration is currently closed for 2023.
National ACT-SO 2023
National ACT-SO Competition
​Competition Date: July 27-30, 2023
Venue: TBD, Boston, Massachusetts
Must be a local Gold Medal Winner or a designated alternate to qualify for the national competition
Local winners must present their local winning submission(s) as their National submission(s) -- students may not present new material
For the safety of all students, competitors must stay with their designated escorts and travel group
Akron NAACP will assist with travel and accommodations